How Do I Come Home?

Some tips to help you on your journey back to the Catholic Church:

1. Recognize that your Father in Heaven wants you to come home.
Regardless of what’s happened in your life or how long you’ve been away, you can always come home to the Catholic Church. Jesus wants you to come home! Just like the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, you can be sure that your Heavenly Father will rejoice that day you come home to the Catholic Church…and so will your Catholic brothers and sisters!
2. Go to Confession.
Perhaps you are feeling weighed down by the troubles in your life that have occurred while you were outside the Church. Christ wants to free you of that burden and offer healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Check your local parish for Confession times and make use of this healing sacrament as the beginning of your journey home. Learn more about Confession here.
3. Go to Mass.
Going to Mass is an exciting step on your journey home. Check out the online Parish Finder at the top of the page to locate Catholic parishes and Mass times in your area. Many parishes offer programs for returning Catholics, or you can call or stop by to arrange a meeting with someone at the church to assist you on your journey home.
4. Read the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
St. Jerome, one of the Church’s most brilliant Scripture scholars, once remarked, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” As Catholics, we should regularly read Scripture, but sometimes we need a little help knowing where to start. Some Bible studies that we recommend are Catholic Scripture Study (CSS) and The Great Adventure Series by Jeff Cavins. 
And do you want to know what the Church really teaches? Go straight to the source for understanding Catholic teaching. The Catechism will help you learn all of the teachings of the Catholic Church in a clear, straightforward and truthful manner. Check it out!
5. Know that you are not alone and find answers to your questions.
Find encouragement in the fact that you are not alone on this journey back home to the Catholic Church. Take time to listen to the testimonies of other Catholics who have been in your shoes! Also take time to get your questions answered about
 Church teachings, moral issues, marriage, and divorce.


We are family. We’ve missed you! Welcome home!


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